NxtUp...TravelCheaper Overseas Travel?Transatlantic fares set to tumble after 'Open Skies' air deal but agreement will be scrapped if the US does not open its domestic routes within two years. The agreement in Brussels, which looks certain to drive down prices and increase choice for air travellers, was signed despite major reservations from the UK, which was worried that the transatlantic supremacy of British Airways and Virgin Atlantic from Heathrow would be threatened.
Under the new deal, both carriers - which are the only European airlines to operate the lucrative business route between Heathrow and JFK New York - will have to fight to keep their landing and take-off slots against wide open competition from other European carriers.
The agreement will allow European airlines to run transatlantic flights to any American city from any EU country and not just their home country, as the previous arrangements entailed. In return, American carriers will have free access to all European airports