Saturday, February 28

NxtUp...Orange Eye®

For the Hot Guy

In orange.

NxtUp...Orange Eye®

For the Hot Guy

On the beach.

NxtUp...Orange Eye®

For the Hot Guy

This guy is on the Solstice cruise with me.
He is German & his name is Hansel.
(I wish I hadn't made that up.)

Cruise ship entertainment.

Friday, February 27

A naughty cruise related post.

NxtUp...Orange Eye®

For the Hot Guy

"I'm in love witha stripper."

Audio Rx presrcibed by Seduced by the New...

Thursday, February 26

NxtUp...Ocean Holiday

The Solstice

Back to regular posting next month.

View Ship

Wednesday, February 25

NxtUp...Orange Eye®

For the Hot Guy

Is that an iPod in your pocket?

NxtUp...Orange Eye®

For the Hot Guy

Some shipshape entertainment.

Tuesday, February 24

NxtUp...Orange Eye®

For the Hot Guy

Wherever he is at, I wanna be.

Audio Rx prescribed from Seduced by the New...

A retro 'ocean themed 'toon.

NxtUp...Ocean Holiday

On a Cruise

Back to regular postings in March.

Luxe Link

Monday, February 23

NxtUp...Orange Eye®

For the Sailor

Ship Ahoy! Bon voyage, my ship is here.

Back for real-time postings in 10 days.


Sunday, February 22

NxtUp...Orange Eye®

For the Hot Model

In blue.

NxtUp...Orange Eye®

For the Hot Model

In swimwear.

NxtUp...Orange Eye®

For the Lifeguard

Enjoy a nautical image while I am on a personal holiday.


Solstice Grass Lawn

Covers this area, port & starboard.
Crazy, science dictionary...Wall-E.

Posted via email from Seduced by the New...Satellite Site

This is a siphonophore. It is a deep sea creature
that appears to be a single, large organism, but
which is actually a colony of numerous individual
jellyfish-like animals that behave and function
together as a single entity.


Oscar Nightmares

While on vacation I will miss the Oscar® telecast, so in honor
of the show I am posting this link to Red Carpet mishaps.

Boarded Solstice

Sipping champagne before going to cabins. First impression about ship with these fabulous!

Posted via email from Seduced by the New...Satellite Site

Saturday, February 21

NxtUp...Orange Eye®

For the Mermen

While on my pending cruise, I hope to
throw myself into pod these.

Handsome Holiday Dude

Speaking in Espanol on his cell prior to flight to Lauderdale.

Posted via email from Seduced by the New...Satellite Site

Audio Rx prescribed by Seduced by the New...

"I got a nautical theme pashmina afghan".

Friday, February 20

NxtUp...Ocean Holiday

On a Cruise

Celebrating my Momz & Pops-in-Law's 50 year anniversary.
Regular postings commence in over a week.


Luxe Link


Café del Mash

Download individual tracks or the full mp3 album at the link.


Audio Rx prescribed by Seduced by the New...

Thursday, February 19

NxtUp...Orange Eye®

For the Hot Model

Young & cute.

NxtUp...Orange Eye®

For the Hot Guy

Quite sexy indeed.


The Orange Lantern Corp

The Orange Lanterns are powered by greed. The Controllers (an offshoot of the Guardians of the Universe ) are seeking the Orange Light of Avarice in the Vegan Star System. The bearers of Orange rings possess a much deeper aura than other Corps's members, and it is said they steal the rings of other Corps' as well.

A Green Lantern movie is in the works & to possibly be directed by Martin Campbell of "Casino Royale".


Orange Lantern T-Shirt

Since the Orange Lantern Corps are motivated by greed, I guess that is the Corps I belong to.


If my blog had sponsors...


Pantone Orange SeaVees

Available in assorted Pantone colors.
None in Pantone 021C though.


KERN iphone game demo from Jason Franzen on Vimeo.


Kern the App

As if I did not get enough of this as a "designer" at my office.



Longchamp Ceci Est Un It Bag

If I were a girl and had $500 U.S. to spend on a bag to use 4 or 5 times.

Wednesday, February 18

NxtUp...Orange Eye®

For the Print Magazine Guys

A UK publication and a local fitness magazine.


NxtUp...Orange Eye®

For the Hot Guy

In green.

NxtUp...Orange Eye®

For the Hot Guy

In green.

NxtUp...Orange Eye®

For the Cute Geek

I became infatuated at my local comic book store today.
A charmer with blue eyes and a lot to say about comics.


Seed Magazine

This is an awesome interactive site.


Lady GaGa's "Love Game"

Instant Starbucks?

In a pouch?



A downloadable game from Sony that I thought would be moronic. I watched the trailer and found it oddly soothing. Players are the wind and use flowers to transform bleak landscapes into verdant ones.


Allan Sanders

I'm a huge fan of this guys work.


Adler Dragon

This was seen at the NY Gift Show recently. I will freakin' want one.


Laptop Case

"Curated by Arkitip" is a project designed for Incase, aimed at delivering artistically embellished Apple products to users who have an appreciation for the creative arts and technology.


Tuesday, February 17

NxtUp...Orange Eye®

For the Hot Guy


Wanna come over and play with my Wii?


Robot Doll

This is cute to me, but I am a geek.

Empire of the Sun's "We Are the People"


Salt and Peep-er Shaker



"Steal Across the Sky"

Nancy Kress' cerebral sci-fi thriller asks profound questions about humanity's development, religion, and social interaction through 'Atoner' intervention. The three earthlings represent mankind visiting two planets in which each orb can be seen in the sky of the other; while the Atoners remain mysterious almost Godly due to their superior technology, knowledge, and humble need to atone for their mistake. The residents of the two deep space orbs also seem real even as their culture on the Kular twins is owed to the Atoners, which makes for a fascinating religious relationship between the settled and those who performed the deliverance. Nancy Kress provides plenty of action, but it is the thought provoking questions to include defining what a crime is that make this a great tale.

Orange is first in Europe with LG's G910 Watch Phone


"The Bad & the Beautiful"

I caught this gem on TCM a couple weeks ago.

"Three much-sought-after people in Hollywood--a director, an actress, and a writer--each receive transatlantic calls from one Jonathan Shields. Each one refuses to talk to him. Yet when mutual friend Harry Pebbel asks them to meet him in Jonathan Shields' old office at the Shields studio, they agree, and even agree to share their grievances with Harry."

The three tales converge & each leaves you 'clutching your pearls' for a moment.

Monday, February 16

NxtUp...Orange Eye®

For the Hot Guy

In white.

NxtUp...Orange Eye®

For the Young Guy

That looks like trouble (the good kind).



What can I do with the Erectile Quality Monitor?

+ Measuring the rigidity (hardness) of your erections
+ Monitoring and/or preventing the onset of Erectile Dysfunction (E.D.)
+ Tracking the effectiveness of various E.D. or libido enhancing drugs/supplements
+ Tracking the effectiveness of penile enhancement devices such as the Fastsize Extender
+ Early detection of serious health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, & heart disease

Via Gizmodo

Alesha Dixon's "The Boy Does Nothing"


Jack Spade Tote

A reversible bag with orange interior stripes.


Jack Spade Tote

A reversible tote with superhero iconography.

Cute time lapse of baby playing.
Via Lola

"The Watchmen" trailer makes me quiver with anticipation.


Folding Scuba Fins

What took so long for this product to come about? Genius! I need these for my pending
Caribbean holiday.