Next...Orange Crush
On the Hot Guy
Given the hope that the character will one day have her own international film franchise (a feature has long been gestating at Warner Entertainment, DC’s parent company), one test of the design was to imagine how it would look standing next to, say, Batman’s politically neutral ensemble. “The original costume was the American flag brought to life,” Mr. Lee said. “This one is a little more universal.”
Apparently Fitzpatrick drilled holes into what remained of Oscar's legs and attached the special metal implants we see in the video. They look like little pegs now, but "eventually, Oscar's skin is expected to [grow] over the implants so the prosthetic attachment will become a part of his body."
I am not gonna lie. The fact that this vet took the time to do this made me a bit weepy.Rude Boys Just Wanna Have Fun
Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (Benny Benassi Spirit Wild Boot Mix)
Rihanna - Rude Boy