Saturday, July 31
Downtown Houston
Saturday Brunch
What Next...iPhone
Mirror Screen Protector
Recently, I bought a wood back for my iPhone. Being the narcissist that I am, I nees this mirror-like screen protector now.
What Next...Music
Lady Gaga Remix Release CD
August 3 - The Remix, which is already an international hit after arriving overseas earlier this spring. In a press release, Interscope Records says that the U.S. version of the set will include 10 reconfigured tracks from The Fame and The Fame Monster, covering the hits from “Just Dance” to “Paparazzi” to “Bad Romance” to “Telephone” and beyond.
What Next...TV
Lopez Replaces Ellen & Kara
Jennifer Lopez will be the new American Idol judge. I will NOT miss that annoying Kara at all. Last season was horrible because of the sad talent the judges decided to let on the show.
What Next...Retro Cinema
Wicked, Wicked
TCM aired this and my husband recorded weeks ago.
We just got around to watching this 70s film and although
it was campy and poorly acted it was interesting because
of the split-screen aspect. A scene went on in one room while on the other side of the screen was another camera
angle or a backstory on a character. In this era of short attention span a better script and produced film could be a hit. There is a 1973 trailer at Youtube, but it gives away the
the climax.
Trailer Here
Thursday, July 29
What Next...Interwebz
Fashion & Superheroes
An unreal editorial in Flash with a collage of illustrations and models. On each panel the
'click here' is a tab on the designer of each piece. I have never seen anything so hip.
Link via If it's Hip
What Next...Orange Crush
On the Hot Actor
Tom Hardy! This straight actor admitted to sex with men and the Gay scream with delight - "The 32-year-old Inception star, who is engaged to British actress Charlotte Riley, 28, and also has a two-year-old son with a former girlfriend. But asked if he'd ever had any sexual relations with other men, the broody actor said: 'As a boy? Of course I have. I'm an actor for ****'s sake. 'I've played with everything and everyone. I love the form and the physicality, but now that I'm in my thirties, it doesn't do it for me. I'm done experimenting but there's plenty of stuff in a relationship with another man, especially gay men, that I need in my life. A lot of gay men get my thing for shoes. I have definite feminine qualities and a lot of gay men are incredibly masculine."
What Next...Palin Family Scandal
Levi's Second Kid
"The Alaskan teen allegedly impregnated another of his girlfriends, a girl named Lanesia Garcia, while engaging into “opposite” unprotected sex. Sorry, Bristol Palin! You are not special!"
As one of my work wives, Betina, said 'they were on a break'.
What Next...Obsessorizing
Quillis Wallets
A selection of insane graphic wallets from an Australian site.
What Next...Work
13 Tips
To beat the 3PM slump...
1. Head outside and sit in the daylight for 10 minutes. Better still, have your lunch outside and divide your break between eating and a walk. It will help reset your chronological clock, keep down the amount of melatonin (the sleep hormone) your body produces during this circadian dip and give you a valuable boost of beneficial vitamin D, reducing your risk of osteoporosis as well as various cancers.
2. Choose activating protein not energy-sapping carbs. So a tuna salad without the bread is a better choice than a tuna sandwich. A green salad sprinkled with low-fat cheese, a hardboiled egg and some sliced turkey wins over a pasta salad. The change can really make a difference.
3. Enjoy teatime. Get into the routine of a mid-afternoon cup. It’s a good step towards beating the afternoon doldrums thanks to that little bit of a caffeine burst and the few quiet minutes it entails. Keep a selection of exotic flavored teas (preferably caffeinated) in your office and an aesthetically pleasing cup just for tea.
4. Clean your desk and clear out your email inbox. Both are relatively mindless tasks that don’t require great amounts of concentration or clear thinking, and both will leave you feeling more energized because you’ll have accomplished something visible as well as having reduced energy-sapping clutter.
5. Make an "I was thinking of you" phone call. To your wife, child, siblings, parents, a friend or a retired colleague. A 5 minute keep-in-touch call will lift your spirits for hours and reinvigorate you to get your work done.
6. Put a drop of peppermint oil in your hand and briskly rub your hands together, then rub them over your face (avoid your eyes). Peppermint is a known energy-enhancing scent.
7. Roll your shoulders forwards, then backwards, timing each roll with a deep breath in and out. Repeat for 2 minutes.
8. Consider a morsel of dark chocolate. This is not a license to overindulge, but dark chocolate does have some unique advantages. Unlike milk chocolate, it is truly a healthy food, closer to the category of nuts than sweets, given the high levels of healthy fat and antioxidants it contains. Plus, it has abundant fiber and magnesium. Additionally, it provides a little caffeine, as well as a satisfyingly decadent feeling. But don’t eat more than one square.
9. Chew some "spicy" gum. Chewing gums with strong minty flavors are stimulating, and the mere act of chewing is something of a tonic to a brain succumbing to lethargy. Plus, chewing stimulates saliva, which helps to clear out bacteria responsible for cavities and gum disease from lunch. Just be sure to choose sugar-free gum.
10. Plan group activities for midday. If you often work on your own, try to organize work involving others at the time of day when your concentration might otherwise be waning. We are social animals, and interactions always rev us up. But make sure it’s an interesting, interactive activity. Sitting in a room listening to someone else drone on and on will just send you snoozing.
11.Take 10 minutes for isometric exercises. Isometric exercises involve nothing more than tensing a muscle and holding it. For instance, with your arm held out, tense your biceps and triceps at the same time and hold for 5 to 10 seconds. You can do this with your calf muscles, thigh muscles (front and back), chest, abdomen, buttocks, shoulders and back.
12. Keep a rosemary plant in your office. Not only will sharing your space with a live, growing thing provide its own mood boost, but studies find the scent of rosemary to be energizing. Whenever you need a boost, just rub a sprig between your fingers to release the fragrance into the air. Or, if you’re really wiped out, rub a sprig on your hands, face and neck.
13. Have an afternoon snack designed to get the blood flowing. That doesn’t mean a whole milk chocolate bar. The high glycemic index in the chocolate bar (a measure of how high it pushes up your blood sugar) might give you a temporary boost. Instead, you want a snack that combines protein, fiber and complex carbohydrates (such as whole-grain crackers or raw vegetables) to raise your blood sugar levels steadily and keep them up.
Wednesday, July 28
What Next...Music
DJ Schomli Mash-Up
Big Booty Bitches In Miami
Bombs Away - Big Booty Bitches
LMFAO - I'm In Miami Bitch!
Busta Rhymes - I Love My Bitch
Sir Mix-A-Lot - Baby Got Back