Tuesday, November 30
What Next...Comics
Uncanny X-Force #2
The X-Force visit the Blue Area of the moon and encounter a new incarnation of the Horseman of Apocalypse. From left to right Death, Famine, Pestilence, and War.
Wiki & Marvel
What Next...iPad
The Project App
A new iPad magazine from Richard Branson. A multimedia magazine on entertainment, politics and culture.
What Next...Politics
Sarah Palin's Guide
To world diplomacy.
Art Esquire UK
Click to enlarge or to be offended.
What Next...Celebs
Madonna Opens Cougar Den
Hard Candy Fitness is now open in Mexico City and a herd of Latin hotties will enter her lair.
Full Story
Via DB
What Next...Art
New $80 Million Picasso Collection
A retired French electrician and his wife have come forward with 271 never-before-seen works by Pablo Picasso. Believed to be authentic and estimated to be worth at least $79.35 million. Pierre Le Guennec, a 71-year-old former electrician who once worked for Picasso says he received the works of art as a gift for electrical work he provided. The electrician has been arrested in belief that the paintings were stolen while he did work on Picasso's home.
Video Report
What Next...Vehicles
Nissan Juke
Someone in my office building has one of these. It is kind of cute.
What Next...iPhone.iPad
Infinity Blade
Unreal Engine powered sword fighter, Infinity Blade, will release December 9th for $5.99. "Infinity Blade will be a universal app, and will run on iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, 3rd and 4th generation iPod touch as well as the iPad."
TouchArcadeMonday, November 29
What Next...Award Shows
Meet the Oscar Night Hosts
James Franco & Anne Hathaway. That was unexpected.
What Next...Comics
Butcher Baker
From Image comics by the creative team of writer Joe Casey and artist Mike Huddleston. I have no idea what the content is about, but I am intrigued.
What Next...InterWebz
20 Things...
About browsers and the web in book form. What’s a cookie? How do I protect myself on the web?
Sunday, November 28
What Next...Comics
Adventure Comics #523
Phil Jimenez launches an arc starring the rookies as they learn to be heroes at Legion Academy! This gorgeous issue marks a perfect jumping-on point for any new reader curious to learn about the DC Universe of the 31st century!
Releases in February.
Other February Books
Saturday, November 27
What Next...Comics
Brit Gay Superhero Team
"Spandex is the the world's first all-gay superhero team and stars of their own award-nominated comic.
And in their new issue things take an unexpected turn, when the team face a whole horde of celebrity gay zombies.
Spandex comic book creator Martin Eden said: "I was doodling one of the pages and I thought it would be fun to cram in as many famous gay people as possible - as zombies! It's a bit of a who's who of LGBT people in the media - they just look a bit scarier...Source