Saturday, January 15

What Next...Tunisia

Social Media Spurs Regime Change

"Over the past four weeks, unrest and rioting have filled Tunisian streets as young people rose up against the authoritarian regime of President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali. In a flurry of activity over the past few days, Ben Ali first tried to appease the crowds with promises of reform, and then fled the country, leaving the government to the prime minister Mohammed Ghannoushi. Yet chaos and uncertainty still grip the African country.

Some contend that it might have been an American cable leaked by WikiLeaks that played the metaphorical role last straw. The cable detailed the lavish lifestyle of the ruling party, while unemployment, rising food prices and corruption devastated the country. Others credit Mohamed Bouazizi, a computer science graduate who could find only the work of selling vegetables illegally. He set himself on fire after allegedly being beaten by the police for working with out a permit. Many rallied around his name.

What is not in doubt is how social media tracked the story, helped protesters organize rallies and finally brought the attention of the West to the tumultuous country."

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