Thursday, January 20

Zeb Atlas - Love Hangover
At times I receive comments on being too critical of certain people in the media.
I do not have a music video, so I will not judge. The back up singer sounds good.


  1. That was worse than bad karaoke, not that there's such a thing as good karaoke.

  2. Anonymous12:33 AM

    I don't know. As far as wanna be singers go who are currently or former oer should have been porn stars go. It's not that bad.

    But what's with his manky eye? And in some scenes his biceps look like implants, they are so inflated and improbable compared to his forearms.

    And come on Mr. Orange. We all judge. It's a survival mechanism. We just have to admit that we judge what's right or wrong but only as it applies to us. It may not be right or wrong to others, but who cares, it's your blog.
