New Crusaders
SHIELD - The original hero from the 40s who's been tasked with bringing this team together - whether they like it or not.
STEEL STERLING - son of the original and a gentle giant. He is the embodiment of "speak softly and carry a big stick."
COMET - adopted son of the original and the most level-headed of the team, which is nice given he's arguably the most powerful.
FIREBALL - nephew of the original who's had some trouble with the law in the past. Is he just misunderstood, or was it a bad idea to let him play with fire?
FLY GIRL - daughter of the original with a lot of pluck and spirit (which will be put to the test)
JAGUAR - of no direct lineage to any hero, she's about as far removed from "super hero" as you can get. Now she gets a magic helmet, super powers, and a whole lot of surprise baggage.
WEB - son of the original, and 98-pounds of geek. Interestingly enough, he's the only teen bringing actual super powers to the group from the get-go.
Available for download May 16
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