Monday, September 10

DC Universe Character Origins

Swamp Thing

First Appearance:
Swamp Thing #1 (2011)

Base of Operations:

As an avatar of The Green, Swamp Thing has an incredibly strong connection to all plant life in the world. He can manipulate this connection to generate and control foliage and also draw upon The Green for strength when in battle.

Other Appearances:
Animal Man #12

Throughout history a battle for balance and survival has raged between the forces of The Rot (death), The Red (animal life) and The Green (plant life). Each group has placed their own champion into the field of battle; for The Green this has been the Swamp Thing. Although destined to become the greatest Swamp Thing ever, Alec Holland was a scientist working on a w ay to help humanity prosper through plant life when he was murdered by the purely evil avatar of The Rot, Anton Arcane. The Parliament of Trees was able to help Holland be reborn as Swamp Thing and take his place as their savior.

In Holland’s absence Arcane and The Rot have grown strong, and only time will tell how this ageless battle will unfold.


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