Friday, September 21

DC Universe Character Origins

The Phantom Stranger

First Appearance:
Free Comic Book Day: The New 52 #1 (2012)

Base of Operations:

The exact limits of the Phantom Stranger’s powers are currently unknown as he has yet to be fully tested by an adversary. It is assumed that he commands very powerful energies that allow him awareness across time and space in addition to the ability to manipulate reality. He is also believed to be immortal.

What little is known about The Phantom Stranger remains rumor and conjecture. His true identity forever unknown, it is said that the Stranger committed a great evil against the universe. For this crime he was brought before the Wizards’ Council and sentenced to walk the earth as a stranger to man, as a witness to what greed can do. The Phantom Stranger wanders the universe observing…and at times hearing a c all from a higher power to take interest in a soul for the greater good of mankind. These callings are a double-edged sword for the Stranger. Although he can remove one of the thirty pieces of silver he wears as a cursed necklace, he is also eventually forced to betray those that he encounters as penance.

Recently, The Phantom Stranger has taken a m ore active role in the universe, which some see as a harbinger of doom. These proclamations are furthered by several appearances by Pandora, who is part of the Trinity of Sin along with the Stranger.

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