Sunday, March 3

U.S.A. Debt infographic

1 comment:

  1. Normally, I wouldn't bother paying any attention to things like this because I come to this blog to look at hot guys, but this one was just too much to ignore.
    I am constantly amazed at the hoops Obama supporters will jump through to make him look good even at the expense of other Democrats.
    But the bottom of the graph says "Source: Treasury Department" so it must be true.
    Then I'll just have to accept all the numbers on the graph as accurate. I won't challenge them, but I will add some context.

    Let's start by saying that President Carter left office with a national debt of $10.00.
    Please forgive me, it's a totally arbitrary number, but it will make the math easier.

    President Reagan increased that $10.00 debt by 189% or $18.90. ($10.00 x1.89 = $18.90)
    So President Reagan left office with a national debt of $28.90.

    President GHW Bush increased that $28.90 debt by 55% or $15.90. ($28.90 x0.55 = $15.90)
    So President GHW Bush left office with a national debt of $44.80.

    Despite multiple budgetary surpluses, President Clinton increased that $44.80 debt by 37% or $16.57. ($44.80 x0.37 = $16.57).
    President Clinton left office with a national debt of $61.37.

    President GW Bush increased that $61.37 debt by 115% or $70.58. ($61.37 x1.15 = $70.58)
    So President GW Bush left office with a national debt of $131.95.

    President Obama increased that $131.95 debt by 16% or $21.11. (131.95 x0.16 = $21.11)
    So the ending point for the graph's data leaves President Obama with a national debt of $193.06.

    So each president's increase to the national debt is (from lowest to highest):
    GHW Bush $15.90
    Clinton $16.57
    Reagan $18.90
    Obama $21.11
    GW Bush $70.58

    Hmm, but the graph says Obama has increased the debt the least, not the second most. Maybe we can distract everyone by how much higher GW Bush raised it than all the others. At least Clinton stays in the same spot as second best.
    But wait, GHW Bush was only in office for one term, if we divide Clinton's increase in debt in half for his two terms that would make him the best.
    However, GW Bush, Reagan, and Clinton ALL served two full terms, maybe we should divide the increase in debt by the number of years each president was in office.
    Uh-Oh...Looking at the dates under the names on the graph we find that President Obama's data is based only on the first two years and three months of his first term.

    Adjusting for time in office, each president's increase to the national debt per year is (from highest to lowest):
    Obama $9.38 ($21.11 /2.25 years = $9.38)
    GW Bush $8.82 ($70.58 /8 years = $8.82)
    GHW Bush $3.98 ($15.90 /4 years = $3.98)
    Reagan $2.36 ($18.90 /8 years = $2.36)
    Clinton $2.07 ($16.57 /8 years = $2.07)

    Hmm, but the graph says Obama has increased the debt the least, not the most. That can't be right. Where did this data come from? It must be wrong.
    "Source: Treasury Department"

    So what's the moral of this story:
    A) A small percentage of a huge number is probably still a huge number.
    B) The truth about President Clinton is better than a lie to make President Obama look good.
    C) Waiting ANOTHER four years to get Hillary sucks.
